Project 4


    /// Name: Afaf Nabeeha
    /// Period: 7
    /// Program Name: Project 4
    /// File Name:
    /// Date Finished: 3/8/2016 public class Project4

        import java.util.Scanner;
        public class Project4
        	public static void main( String[] args )
        		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        		double a, b, c;
        		String op;
        			System.out.print("> ");
        			a  = keyboard.nextDouble();
        			op =;
        			b  = keyboard.nextDouble();
        			if ( op.equals("+") )
        				c = add(a, b);
                    else if ( op.equals("-") )
                        c = subtract(a, b);
                    else if ( op.equals("*") )
                        c = multiply(a, b);
                    else if ( op.equals("/") )
                        c = divide(a, b);
                    else if ( op.equals("^") )
                        c = exponent(a, b);
        				System.out.println("Undefined operator: '" + op + "'.");
        				c = 0;
        		} while ( a != 0 );
                System.out.println("Bye, now.");
            public static double add( double a, double b )
                double total;
                total = a + b;
                return total;
            public static double subtract( double a, double b)
                double total;
                total = a - b;
                return total;
            public static double multiply( double a, double b)
                double total;
                total = a * b;
                return total;
            public static double divide( double a, double b)
                double total;
                total = a / b;
                return total;
            public static double exponent( double a, double b)
                double total = a;
                for ( double x = 1; x < b; x++)
                    total = total * a;
                return total;

Picture of the output

Assignment P4